Bigger Than the Game with Deremy and Jose

Summerslam Preview and State of WWE (with guest Tim Lewis)

Episode Summary

Deremy and special guest Tim Lewis get ready for Summerslam

Episode Notes

This week Deremy chats with special guest Tim Lewis about all things wrestling to get ready for Summerslam!! First the guys talk about how the potential release of Bobby Lashley and his WWE career. Then they get into how WWE has been since their epic WrestleMania in April!!! The guys look at the upcoming Summerslam card and give their thoughts and opinions on best storylines and the match of the night!! All this and more on Bigger Than The Game with Deremy and Jose!!! You can listen to Tim’s latest song right here:

Episode Transcription

Deremy (00:01.1)
All right, welcome to bigger than the game with Dereme and Jose. I'm flying solo. It's Dereme Dove flying solo today, but I'm joined by a special guest who he's no stranger to bigger than the game podcast. He is someone I'm just glad and excited to be talking wrestling with. One of those people who I know, like if I need someone to bring it home, to bring everything back to reality when the world of professional wrestling is going crazy.

I know this guy can always silence the chaos and bring us back home. This is my man, Tim Lewis. Tim, thank you for being on the show again, man. It's good to see

Tim (00:41.707)
Absolutely man, I appreciate you having me back on the show man. It's been too long, you know what saying? I know a lot has happened this past year already in the world of wrestling and you know, I've been looking forward to this all week, you know what saying? So, and also I gotta do the thing. Finally, The Tim has come back, you know what I'm saying?

Deremy (01:00.864)
Absolutely. I love when you do that, man. I love when you do that. So like you said, we have so much to go over because SummerSlam, one of the big pay -per -views, I feel like there's the big four traditionally in WWE, know, Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series. Those are the big four. So SummerSlam is coming up and there's a lot of matches that we're gonna get into and just talking about what we expect, what we're gonna predict for

pay -per -view, but there's so much going on. This is also going to be an episode about the state of WWE and what's been happening. you know, to start off with, you texted me the other day about big news and that's Bobby Lashley being released from WWE. He's now a free agent. Tim, what are your thoughts on hearing that news that Bobby Lashley got released?

Tim (01:59.155)
Well, Debbie was a shock to me for sure, especially considering last year he's like a veteran and everything. And you would think they would hold him to a high standard and value him a lot more. But when you look at the track record, like his booking has been all over the place, especially recently. it just seems like they haven't really found a spot for him, or found a place for him to fit in like, you know, this past year, especially since like, you would think since Triple H took over

he would take better care of them and everything. So I'm not sure, it has to be something more going on. But again, it is a shock, you know what saying? But as I've been doing some reading, some digging, they said he's not officially released. Like they just took him off the internal roster. So they probably don't have any plans for him. And his contract is still, it hasn't expired yet. So he's still officially with the company until his contract expires. So it is a chance they could work something out.

between now and when his contract expires but at this point it seems like he's pretty much you know already got one foot out the door you know already

Deremy (03:05.336)
Right, that's what it seems and I think for you, do you look at more of management or do you look at the talent like when it comes to this particular case with Bobby Lashley because Bobby Lashley has had a couple runs in WWE, looks awesome, has that like just great physical strength. When you look at him, you think this guy's, he's a main event guy, should be main event in WrestleMania. And it's always felt like something was always missing with Bobby.

Like he was close, but then he never got over that hump in my opinion. So do you look at Bobby Moore? Do you look at WWE and how he's been

Tim (03:46.131)
feel like it's always unfortunate circumstances with him. He gets on a good run and then something happens, like he gets hurt or just he gets put in a bad booking position or maybe it's just talent that they probably view that's probably more valuable than him at some point. know what I'm saying? Like with the Brock situation, you know what saying? That whole feud, that should have been bigger than what it was. They should have settled their feud at WrestleMania last

It shouldn't have ended in a blow off, no DQ, and it went nowhere. They should have ended their feud in an MMA style type of match at WrestleMania last year. That deserved a proper ending. Instead, we got Bobby winning the Andre the Giant Battle Royal, and he wasn't even part of WrestleMania. He won that on SmackDown before WrestleMania. And you had Brock fighting against Omos, which made no sense. But he's had a

period, a few gaps where he's had some good runs like he has a solid US title run, you know what saying? And he has some good matches there, but after that, you know, he kind of fizzled out and then like what was he doing after that? You

Deremy (04:57.74)
No, but to be fair, I got to look at it with Brock Lesnar throughout his runs in WWE. He's had runs where on the mic he can manage and he definitely brings it in the ring. You can't take that away from Brock, whether you love him or hate him. He's always brought that intensity and you have to watch Brock Lesnar and he's going to bring you to the screen. And his mic skills to me, not saying he's the greatest on the mic, but when he's had to use the mic, still pretty good.

I've never, for me personally, never been impressed with Bobby's mic skills. And the Lesnar -Lashley match was something that people wanted for years. People wanted to see those two guys go. And we got it, and you're right, it fizzled out. And it almost felt like Brock felt like Bobby couldn't bring it with him, at least on the mic, or bring people to the seats. Because that should have been a main event in WrestleMania, you're right. But it just really fizzled and it went nowhere.

And I'm just wondering, it because of Bobby's, his lack of mic skills? Like, what do you think it was?

Tim (05:59.43)
It could be you know and especially like in the beginning stages like he had MVP right there by his side during that first match You know and Brock had Paul Heyman like it was the perfect like combination you had Brock and Heyman against MVP and Lashley you know I'm saying and That first match for the WWE title too. You know I'm saying like wow we really getting spoiled And it was at the Royal Rumble one of the big four like this. This is a big marquee match, but it's just the payoff we just didn't

the end result that we wanted, that we deserved, that we expected. And it ended up with, you know, I'm sure you remember like Roman getting involved and cost and brought, cause they had a program at that time. So it ended up making, and Bobby won, but it made his win cheap. You know what saying? Cause he's definitely capable of, you know, handling himself in the ring and stuff like that. So then they had the rematch at what Crown Jewelry that year.

And Bobby looked more impressive, he got more offense and everything. But then they had Brock pull like a Bret Hart on Steve Austin at Survivor Series and do a little okey -doke to roll up, you know, and get the one, two, three, you know I'm saying? And it seemed like it was kind of shifting, maybe turning Bobby heel and Brock face. And then they had the last match at Limitation Chamber where Brock got the DQ, got himself DQ'd

I'm like, he's probably the phase. Why is he getting himself purposely disqualified? You know what saying? And Bobby is supposed to be the heel of that time. Like it just made no sense. And the fact that they didn't follow up with that and have like a pickup match after that at WrestleMania, like it just, it still boggles my mind to this day. You know I'm saying? And the fact that they had something good with the Hurt Business, you know, and people have been saying, like why did they break up the Hurt Business? Why didn't they try to put them back together?

And MVP, he was very vocal about that on IG, because people were asking him like, man, what's going on with the Hurt Business? Y getting that back together? for years, him and Bobby, they've been working behind the scenes trying to make that happen, trying to get the Hurt Business back, but it just never panned out. MVP, he said some things, calling out Triple H, putting them on the spot. Triple H, had the power to do it, but chose not to. Well, I'm not going say he didn't. He tried to do something by pairing Bobby with...

Tim (08:20.042)
the street profits. But it wasn't really quite the same because I mean it was a good pairing like people wanted to see it but it wasn't the same because you could have had you could have also had MVP you could have had Omos to that equation you could have made them like the bloodline basically you know I'm saying and I feel like it was waste of potential waste of opportunity and then okay you add BFAB okay cool that seems to be a trend nowadays a lot of the factions where they have like three guys maybe they add one woman to the faction which

I kind of dig, you know what saying, it's something different than what we usually see in like, factions. know, like you got the Judgment Day, they got Rhea Ripley and everything, you know, OTM and Jada Parker and everything. So yeah, but it just didn't really go anywhere. And then they had the feud with the final testament that pretty much didn't do anything for anybody. You know what I'm saying? was just pretty much a bore. I mean, I'm glad that the Pride got the win at WrestleMania. You were there for that, you

Deremy (08:54.189)
Yeah, I like

Tim (09:19.464)
I'm glad they got the win, but it didn't really do anything or elevate anybody. And now when they try to get body back on track in the singles capacity with Carmelo Hayes, then they roll them off TV with a mysterious injury that they never disclose.

Deremy (09:35.47)
No, it's been a lot. It's been a lot, man. And I'm just wondering, and just to kind of wrap up on Bobby, do you think he needs a fresh start? Like, do you think AEW would be better for him? A league like, a federation like that? Or do you think it's just, it's not for him anymore? Like, what do you

Tim (09:58.368)
I mean, well, he's not getting any younger. He's already like north of 45. He's pushing 50. But he looks great though. He looks like a million bucks. He looks like he can still perform in the ring at a high capacity, high caliber level. He still looks world champion worthy. I think the thing that's held him back for a long time is like, obviously we talk about his mic skills and everything, but he's gotten a little bit better, depending on what role he is, if he's a heel or a face.

Deremy (10:04.322)
He does.

Deremy (10:22.5)
Mm. Mm.

Tim (10:27.037)
Other than that, can still perform. It's just, I guess the fresh start will be good. I mean, he can't go to TNA because they're working on WWE. So it's almost going to be like, he never left if he goes with them, right? And then I would say, AW, that's what most people are expecting, but AW is kind of like a little crowded a little bit, I think. I mean, they could find a spot for him, but it's just like, okay, you know how the cycle goes. Like new signing, they have four minute. Okay, might get a title run and

Deremy (10:36.066)

Tim (10:55.699)
Is he gonna stay where he's at? He's gonna keep his business or is he gonna fall by the wayside? He's gonna get lost in the shuffle, you know, because it happens and there's not just WWE, it's AW, it's every other company, you know, not everybody's gonna get a chance to shine and AW, they already got their deck stacked. Like their roster is pretty full right now, you know, so I don't know. I think for him, he might take some time off, you know.

Deremy (11:19.03)
Yeah, I think it's needed to see what's next. I agree. I agree with you. We'll stay tuned to see where Bobby Lashley lands because he's someone, depending on where he goes, where he decides, I don't think it's over for him yet if he decides to keep going. He can maybe have a nice little run somewhere else, but we'll stay on that.

Tim (11:40.892)
yeah. Yeah, he definitely deserves like, you know how John Cena, he's, I'm sure we'll probably talk about that later on too, but you know how John Cena has this retirement tour coming up, like Bobby definitely deserves like a farewell, proper send off. You know what saying? Maybe not a farewell tour, but he deserves a proper send off though, if he wants to end his career. Yeah. Bob, you don't think Bobby deserves

Deremy (11:54.222)
You think he deserves a farewell tour?

Deremy (12:04.456)
I know, no. I think he's had a good, it's not a bad career, but he's not like a legend or nothing like that. It's not a great career. It's not bad. So I would dispute anyone to be like, Bobby Lashley's career stunk. Like it didn't, but it wasn't like he's a great, there's disappointment. Like is Bobby Lashley a slam dunk Hall of Famer to you?

Tim (12:31.611)
Well, I don't know if like, as far as like headline in the Hall of Fame, I'm not sure, but he definitely is a Hall of Famer for sure, guaranteed. He definitely is a future Hall of Famer guaranteed for sure.

Deremy (12:43.426)
Well, not not, you know, I mean, like holding it to serious standards, not like, you know, putting Pete Rose in or something like that. I mean, like the series like he's I can maybe see it, but I think he's he's a conversation, I would say. He's not just you don't just go Bobby Lashley. Like it's like Bobby and then I would lean toward voting him in. But if he had to wait a while, I wouldn't be upset. He's not someone I'm like, why isn't Bobby in? There's a lot of like could have, should have, would have with

Tim (12:50.234)
Yeah! Yeah, for sure.

Tim (13:11.11)
yeah. Yeah. Like I said, it's just, for most of his career, he's just been a victim of circumstance, you know what I'm saying? So whether it's injuries or just maybe casualties of just shitty pairings. I'm sorry, can't, can I cuss on? Okay. Yeah, just bad pairings or bad booking, whatever it may be, or just bad timing all around, you know what saying?

Deremy (13:14.368)

Deremy (13:29.496)
No, you curse. It's okay.

Tim (13:39.675)
So you can't put any fault on him, you know what saying, like that, for all that. yeah, mean, he'll either just take some time, you know, because he's older. And I'm sure he looks like a guy that saved his money. So I'm sure he's not hurt for money or anything. And again, he's pushing 50. You know, he's like between like 45 and 50, something like that. So I'm not sure. I'm sure he has enough left in the tank, but I don't know. It depends.

Deremy (14:06.52)

Tim (14:07.335)
He could work, they could work something out with WWE, but I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in AEW either,

Deremy (14:12.516)
But we'll keep looking at that. It's interesting to see and the timing of it was interesting as well. you and I have had a lot of talks. We had a lot of talks leading up to WrestleMania and we've had talks after WrestleMania. So everybody who's probably listening to this show, even people who aren't wrestling fans know WrestleMania 40, big success, big hit in all time WrestleMania.

Tim (14:39.865)
And don't forget the blackest WrestleMania ever

Deremy (14:43.172)
Yeah, definitely, definitely that. Definitely that as well. that I had representation people of color. It was a lot going on and it, they did it through some of the toughest circumstances you could imagine with what happened with Vince earlier in, in 2024 and all that. So you got to give everybody on board from TKO, Triple H, The Rock, all the performers, the writers, the agents, producers.

Everybody gets mad credit because that was an amazing show. Now we also know when WrestleMania ends, that's kind of like the Super Bowl. That's the end of a season. And then the day after that next day, the Raw, it kind of begins the new year. So, you you look at from April and we're going into August now, that's four months. That's a quarter of the way done the year for wrestling.

How do you think they've done as far as keeping the momentum after WrestleMania 40? How has WWE done in that regards in your opinion?

Tim (15:45.528)
I think they've done well and of course let me just say that for all the good that Triple H has done let's also keep in mind that he's not perfect you know I'm saying he's I'm sure he's doing the best he's doing the best he can you know but I would say for what he's done so far like is the product has been much more enjoyable you know I'm saying and the one thing that's interesting to me that's interesting to me as well is the way he books these PLEs

Deremy (15:59.23)
Mm -hmm. No one is.

Tim (16:15.455)
Like he's almost booking it like he's booking, he's still booking NXT TakeOver. If you notice like the format, like it's five matches per card on the PLEs now, like instead of like maybe six to eight, you know what saying? They still in, you know, they still like around that three hour range though, but the matches are more drawn out. They got more time to tell a story in the ring and stuff. So I'm sure a lot of people can appreciate that. I mean, I'm sure they could add one more match to the car if they wanted

but I'm not mad at it, you know what saying? But I thought that was kind of interesting. I'm really digging some of the unique production, the new production styles they're doing, like the one -shot camera angles and they show the guys walking from the locker room, do guerrilla all the way up to the ring, and it's one -shot, no cuts, you know? Like it's a movie or something, you know? Even like little things too, like I just saw on RAW, they added like a little template for

Deremy (16:52.974)
Yeah, I was gonna ask you about

Deremy (17:02.966)
It's great. It's great.

Tim (17:11.838)
announce team and stuff like they show like Michael Cole and Pat McAfee that's your announcers backstage announcers, know, Cathy Kelly and Jackie Redmond and even on SmackDown they did the same something similar where they would show like the previous match results, know, like Andrade defeated Carmelo Hayes, you know, and then such and such defeated this person, you know, I was like, I've never seen that before at least on WWE

but they actually show the results from the previous matches to kind of keep people who just tune in, keep them up to date and stuff. So it's like little things like that that they're doing, especially like the little like up above angles and stuff. So I really liked them, the camera angles. And I liked that they're showing more wrestling on TV. You know, I mean, there are some weeks they focus more on like talking and stuff too, but I understand you got to build stories, but I do appreciate that there's more wrestling on TV nowadays.

Deremy (18:02.19)
No, I agree. think it's, I was gonna definitely ask you. That's what kind of hit me like one of those things that at first I was like, yeah, it took a little bit. But I'm like, the way this just shot, the camera angles and I love that it's like, hey, we already know we are, there's so much peeking behind the scenes. I love it when a match ends and then that wrestler is walking backstage and then they'll walk in the back and then they'll walk by like, know, someone being interviewed and it'll just pick up there.

Tim (18:14.334)

Deremy (18:30.594)
Like I just kind of love that. And I mean, how cool was that shot to me when Sammy Zane was back in his hometown. He's back in, you know, Montreal. And then, you know, he's like Jey Uso's hyping him up. And then he goes all, they just follow him all the way through the concourse and him going down. Like that was one of the most amazing things, man. It just got me hyped. Like I'm loving like the different things that Triple H and all those in charge are doing that's showing that it's a new era in WWE.

Tim (18:58.823)
Yeah, and it also shows like continuity. It shows like, it gives like the backstage area kind of makes the backstage area like a character almost like it gives it like it gives it life. Like, you know how they do you know how they do like a segment backstage like Drew McIntyre could be talking to Adam Pierce or something. And then in the background, see Chad Gable maybe talking to the Creed brothers like scheming or something like that. You know, like little little background little nuggets like that.

Deremy (19:07.074)
Yeah, good point. Good point.

Tim (19:26.034)
Most people probably won't notice unless you're really paying attention to the side of the screen. I really appreciate that too. But it really adds more life to the backstage area. Let's you know that, they're not just doing the segment, it's actually other stuff going on. Other people that's walking around, obviously, if you had the factory, you had your job, yeah, it's gonna be coworkers walking around and stuff like that. So yeah, it makes it look more

Deremy (19:52.356)
Absolutely, absolutely. So we also have the Triple H aspect of it, how it's been since WrestleMania 40. But I know you were someone who was all about Cody telling the story. He told that story. He finished the story. Some people love it. Some people might call you a Cody crybaby. I don't know, but we'll see.

Tim (20:10.491)
Finished it. He finished the story.

Deremy (20:21.06)
And I love as a person, I'm a Cody Rose fan. How has he been though post WrestleMania 40 as champion in your opinion?

Tim (20:32.581)
I'd say he's been solid. I think they've done the best they can to keep him in a good spot and protect him as champion. Me personally, I don't think he's looked weak at all. You might think differently or something like that, but I feel like his views, his stories have been solid. Him and AJ, they had a good, they had a good, the I quit match, that was fine. Even like the one off feud he had with Logan Paul, that was a good match they had too.

And the stuff he's going, like they're circling back with the bloodline now. It's kind of interesting. Okay, they had Solo Sokolo. He's like probably the first person to pin him since he won the title. So I think that's some, like he hasn't been pinned since WrestleMania. have Solo, who's basically the next one up, leading the family now, leading the bloodline. They have him pinned, Cody had money in the bank, and now he's getting the title shot. It's all coming together, especially after Cody told

like a year ago that Solo wasn't ready and now look at him, Solo's the new tribal chief, quote unquote. So now they're going head to head at SummerSlam. So yeah, I mean, think he's been solid for the most part. That's just

Deremy (21:39.46)
Mm -hmm.

Deremy (21:47.704)
I think that's a good word, which I don't know how to feel about that. I solid, you nailed the word. I think, and it takes time as champion. Some people get longer than others to try to get that groove. But I do feel like I never questioned Cody in the ring. Cody's a heck of a worker, heck of a hand. And he's also going up against, I mean, well, Logan is new. He's still new, young, but to me, Logan has been very impressive.

Whether you want to hate on him for being a YouTuber or not, I give him so much credit because he's picking it up pretty quick, honestly,

Tim (22:21.839)
Yeah, yeah, and they should never turn their face either because he's so natural as a heel. He knows how to get heat, you know what saying? I know he's not everybody's favorite person or anything like that, but he understands the business. He respects the business, you know what saying? He's put in the work, he's put in the time, he's taking the bumps. So you gotta give him and guys like Bad Bunny and even Pat McAfee that respect for taking the time out of this, because they're celebrities. They're coming in as like guests.

Deremy (22:26.584)
He's great at

Tim (22:51.65)
and they're putting the time and putting their bodies on the line when they don't have to, you know what saying? And Logan Paul, even though he's sort of a part -timer, he showed up quite a lot. He showed up more than Roman in the past year or so. His United States title reign, we all know it's just publicity and stuff like that. And he's only defended, I think, maybe like three times. And we know of the United's taking the title off in the Summer Slam. I think it's about that

Deremy (22:55.427)
Right, right.

Deremy (23:00.716)
Mm -hmm.

Yeah, that's true. That's true.

Tim (23:21.708)
It's about that time.

Deremy (23:23.566)
But I'll say this, Logan Paul's US Championship run more memorable than Bobby Lashley's. Just saying, just saying, just saying, just saying, Tim.

Tim (23:29.229)
I mean, I can't look Bobby Bobby's last US however solid he has some good math. He has a great match with

Deremy (23:40.526)
You love that word solid. You love that word

Tim (23:42.829)
I look, it's not lame, it's not overrating it, I'm just saying it's solid.

Deremy (23:52.066)
You, you, you using the word solid for wrestlers is like when people talk about like, how good looking is that that girl or for girls, how good looking is that guy? And they go to, well, he's a really nice person or she's really nice. It's like, okay. It's like, there you

Tim (24:08.073)
Now, now we be like, now we be like, she I she I. Well, look, well look, Cody, he's like three, four months in. So, you know, he's still got time and I'm sure they're planning on stretching out at least until like maybe rumble. I even heard they may keep the title until next WrestleMania and this plans maybe Cody versus Rock or maybe if Rock isn't ready to go by then if he's busy, maybe they might

Deremy (24:12.372)
Mm -hmm, and that's what solid is for you is like Yeah, he's solid Cody

Tim (24:37.868)
Cody and I know Cody and Randy, that's going to happen regardless, I'm just saying they're planning on having Cody at least for that amount of time.

Deremy (24:47.224)
I think this is a big test right here. What we had last month, the Money in the Bank, and then what we're gonna get now. What happens with this Cody in this feud with the new bloodline with Solo? Because to be frank, they've put him in a lot of situations, set it up to succeed. He didn't have to carry the load. I felt like even with WrestleMania, this is his whole run the past two years.

He's not carrying the load. I'm talking about drawing butts to the seats. Now he can work in the ring, you know, we, Kodo, mean Cody, Cody, I say Kodo. Cody is who I'm talking about because he's, know, AJ can carry it. Logan Paul, like you said, natural heel, all that stuff. Even with this six man, he had a lot with KO with Randy Orton and in this new bloodline. Okay. I like where it's going.

Tim (25:21.95)
Some are cody, and some are cody or solo.

Deremy (25:44.514)
because now let's see, Solo's young. I like what they're doing with him. He's doing pretty good, but Cody's gonna have to step up to make that interesting to me.

Tim (25:56.226)
So what you're saying is you want Cody to get more mean, more aggressive?

Deremy (26:00.628)
I Cody to, and that's a good question because how will he do it? I need Cody to make me interested in him. I love a good storyline, a good match where I'm interested in both parties, whether I hate one, I love the other or, yeah, he screwed him or she screwed her. you know what I'm saying? When I look at, to compare it, Rhea Ripley and Liv, yeah, they're fighting over Dom and Dom's there, but guess

Both of them in their own way make me interested. who's Dom is Dom with Rhea, Dom with Liv. Liv, is she okay? But I like how she's getting me hooked into this. Rhea came back, she's mad, blah, blah, blah. She's pissed. Is she more mad about the title? Does she care about Dom? Both parties are getting me hooked. That's what I love in a storyline. If I was just saying one of their names, well, all right, well, we got Liv and what's Liv gonna do? And Liv and Liv and Liv. And I don't really care the other person.

that doesn't do it for me. This to me is a big chance for I can see, all right, Cody can take that. I care about Cody. I care about Solo and what he's doing. Is he going to be the new guy, the bloodline? Is he just holding the place for Roman? Solo's kind of getting there where I'm hooked on him. I need Cody. Your story is told. Now what's next? I don't know what's next for

Tim (27:23.24)
Well, here's the thing, because you mentioned Liv and Rhea. The thing that makes their dynamics so interesting because I guess Rhea, she's not really a full face or heel. She's kind of like in the tweener spot, I guess now, even though the Judgment Day is supposed to be like a heel fashion. Rhea is like the only one, since she's the most liked out of that group, she's like a tweener, like an anti -hero. Liv, she's kind of like moving into a full heel, but she's kind of like a tweener also.

Deremy (27:36.928)
Right, right.

Tim (27:51.825)
They have an interesting dynamic to where they don't have any loyal, they're not catering to the fans, nothing like that. They're not full heels or what, they're just like, they're just out for revenge. It's just a blood feud between them two. It's personal. It's not about good and bad or right and wrong. It's about getting your lick back. You know what saying? So, and it's for the women's world title too. So you know what saying? It's personal and you got Diamond Ball, know, there's mind games being played.

Deremy (28:03.982)
Mm -hmm.

Tim (28:19.086)
So that's what makes that whole dynamic interesting.

Deremy (28:22.146)
No, and I just used that as, you know, when we previewed Summer Slam, as an example of, I need the storyline to have it where I'm interested in both people. Now who I'm rooting for, who I'm rooting to get, that's different. Who I like, I don't like, but you know what, as much of a heel as Logan Paul is, I'm interested in him. Like, you can be a face, L .A. Knight is a face.

Tim (28:47.174)

Deremy (28:48.118)
interested in him. I'm not sure with Cody's on the borderline. He's solid as you say, but he has potential to push it

Tim (28:54.48)
He... Well, I'd say he's more than solid because anytime he comes on TV, whether it's a promo or he's wrestling a match, people are glued to the TV. They're up in their seats. When you see the live crowd, you know what saying? I know some people, might be on the fence, like yourself, you might be on the fence about them, but when you see the live crowd, when this music hits, you know, wrestling is more than one family and whatnot, they pop, you know what I'm saying? They get up out of their seats, like they're behind them, you know what I'm saying?

And I haven't seen a baby face, a pure baby face this over in a while, you know what I'm saying? Since maybe like the rock or something. I know John Cena, he was like the last real big baby face, but he had a polarizing thing with him. You know what saying? had a 50

Deremy (29:39.288)
Yeah, think you said there, I think Daniel Bryan was really over.

Tim (29:42.5)
Yeah, Daniel, okay, Daniel Brown was the last one. Cause he was like, his run was like 2014 when he had his big moment. So yeah, Daniel Brown was probably the last big face, pure baby face that was like really over. And you know, and it's like 10 years, 10 years since then. So Cody, for him to be on this run and not have any backlash and he pushed back from the crowd, like that's impressive. That's a testament to, I guess him, you know, and you know, him getting his character over and his journey.

Deremy (29:48.651)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Tim (30:12.076)
and people being able to relate to his story or whatnot. I mean, I not everybody's gonna relate to him or like him or whatever like that, you gotta respect his hustle though.

Deremy (30:20.024)
No, I do. I respect his hustle. What did I, on the phone, all these months and everything, years honestly with Cody's journey, I respect him. I like Cody. I really do. And I am rooting for him to hook me just as I like him and for the good of pro wrestling. I'm just, I feel

We know how wrestling fans are and I'm gonna say this, wrestling fans have their opinions. It's not all group think, but wrestling fans love that person who they either really do go against the big corporation or they perceive to go against the big corporation. We know Cody left, he kind of was a rebellious guy and now he came back and it's kind of like, okay,

I think wrestling fans look at it as he won. got that like WWE was like, we need him. Same with like CM Punk. He won. People just love to see CM Punk, right? I feel like that has carried for a while that carried because okay, they're trying to see the guy who was overlooked by the company in their opinion, the guy who left to kind of go against the company. He's come back and he is the winner.

Tim (31:22.935)

Deremy (31:42.404)
So however you wanna perceive that, whatever, he got the title. But that only lasts for so long. Daniel Bryan lasted for so long once he had his moment at WrestleMania 30. And I think it's a good parallel, WrestleMania 30, now WrestleMania 40. So it's like, I don't want him to kind of fizzle out the way Daniel Bryan to me did in my opinion. I want him to go to the next level. And I think this SummerSlam match is a big testament to whether

Tim (32:03.459)

Deremy (32:11.042)
that can happen because he's got a guy who is pretty interesting. Solo's hot, but Solo isn't there yet. And if Cody can help bring him along, that shows a lot for Cody. And that would get me excited.

Tim (32:24.066)
Yeah, I mean, I think what he's done with this run since he's been changing, he's done a good job of like elevating, you know, younger time, like he's worked with Carmelo Hayes and he, know, even though Carmelo Hayes got the L on that one, he still, it put Carmelo Hayes in a higher profile. It got people's, you know, got people's eyes on him. Even

He even got you know Logan Paul or rub to you know I'm saying to an extent even though Logan Paul is like You know more known celebrity or whatnot like that, but still giving him the rub Even working with guys like Austin Theory and Grayson Waller, you know So and for him to work with solo like it's really on so it's really solos game lose to be honest cuz It's solo he has to prove that he can hang with Cody and stuff. He's doing great heel

I feel like he's not solid, I feel like he's more above solid. He's doing really good, he'll work. He kind of reminds me of a Suge Knight type character with this new role he's in with the blood. I always, call him Suge Sakola from time to time. He got the suits, got the gold chain, the gloves and stuff. So he kind of reminds me of Suge Knight. But he's looked impressive, so I feel like it'll be a good match. So I don't think.

Deremy (33:20.28)

Deremy (33:28.942)

Tim (33:42.152)
really have anything to worry about with Solo. It's just all a matter of how Cody's gonna respond because if you look at the past couple weeks, the new bloodline, they've taken out two of his friends. First it was Randy, then KO, you know what I'm saying? So now it's time for Cody. You saw he came out last week, he ditched the suit, he came out with the gym gear, the t -shirt, he was ready to fight. So now it's like put the suits away, no talking, just come out, just throw hands.

So that's what we need to see this Friday. Well, you don't like the suits?

Deremy (34:12.696)
Yeah, thank God, dissed the suit. Please dissed the suit. thank God. Hell no, I don't like the suits, man. I don't want to, I don't care to see, you're not running, you're not running your own corporation no more. Like, dissed the suits, like.

Tim (34:27.582)
Well, dad wore suits. Dusty wore suits.

Deremy (34:33.198)
That wasn't a totally, you can't compare it. That was especially when he was in that beef with Ric Flair, Ric Flair styling and profiling and they were kind of going back and forth. But Dusty also wore polka dots too. So I mean, come on. But like if the NBA coaches ditched suits, which thank God they did, I don't need to see Cody unless you're part of corporate Triple H wears suits. All them guys, whatever, Adam, Adam Pierce, they can wear suits. You're a wrestler.

I don't need to see you because who are you? Are you the champ? Are you a wrestler or are you

Tim (35:05.982)
I mean, so wait, so is it because he's a baby face or you just don't like the fact that he's just wearing the suit?

Deremy (35:13.208)
It doesn't make any sense,

Tim (35:15.122)
It doesn't make - wait a So wait, so no wrestler ever, heel or face, should wear a suit?

Deremy (35:21.454)
They have to make sense. So when you get somebody who is playing Rick Flair, right, I used he's styling profile and he looks so good. He looks so it fits the character. I don't see why Cody like like you saw he wore the tracksuit. Nothing. It wasn't like, he's a different guy. Like it was like, yeah, just it's just clothes for

Tim (35:41.542)
Well, I just took it as well. He means business. He's not trying to look flashy. He's not trying to, you know, come and talk and ask people what they want to talk about. He's coming to fight. You know what saying? Because the bloodline. Yeah, he ain't come out in the suit. So I'm like, I figured, yeah, in the tracksuit. He's ready to fight. Basically, he means business. You know, he's not coming out to talk. He's not coming out to shake hands or kiss the babies and stuff and give away his weight belt. You know, he's come out to fight because the bloodline took out two of his buddies back to back weeks.

Deremy (35:52.962)
In a

Deremy (35:56.622)
I mean in the tracksuit.


Tim (36:11.612)
He's got a big title match coming up at one of the biggest shows in the summer. So he means business and that's what we need. We need like aggressive Cody. We need like up in your face Cody. know what saying? But the suits ain't really a problem because I mean, well, here's the thing. That's just part of his thing. That's just part of this thing. I know you mentioned Ric Flair that's a cop in his gimmick,

Deremy (36:24.452)
You're proving my point for me. Thank you. I agree.

Tim (36:40.572)
You can still wear a suit and it can still make sense. know, like The Rock, he came out with the flashy $500 shirts and stuff, you know. Even Triple H wore suits when he

Deremy (36:50.232)
Wait, wait, but why did the Rock do that? What did he say? What was he going by? What was he calling himself?

Tim (36:56.58)
with the most electrifying man, the people.

Deremy (36:58.434)
No, no, you're talking about The Rock recently,

Tim (37:01.882)
Well, before the final boss...

Deremy (37:04.79)
Right, he was calling himself the final boss, so that's why he was looking the way he looked. The final boss.

Tim (37:08.794)
But before that he had that too. Back in the Attitude era, that was just like across a blend with Hollywood rock and Attitude era rock. And that's how we got final boss

Deremy (37:21.06)
But it fit, I know it was, it fit him. It fit the character. It fit the final boss. He's in charge. He's stylish. I don't think, it's not, I don't get mad at it, but when I see a wrestler come out in a suit and it doesn't go with the gimmick, it just kind of shows me you're about talking tonight. You're not about business. You're about having these long promos that are just going on and on and you know.

Tim (37:42.831)

Tim (37:48.314)
Well, the way I see it, here's the thing, you know how you watch like, and another thing too, I mentioned how I like the new production pieces they're doing. Like you know how before like a Raw, SmackDown or before PLE, they'll do like, earlier today they show like the wrestlers coming to the arena and stuff, sort of a ESPN pregame before the NBA or NFL or something like that. They show the players coming into the stadium or something.

So they do that, you know, it's kind of like most player or if not all the NBA players, they gotta wear suits on game day, you know? So that's how I see it. Like, Cody, you know, he's a star player. He's coming, you know, he's like, he already seems super professional. So it's almost like, okay, it's game day. He has a suit, but you know he's gonna wrestle the night, you know what I'm saying? So I just figured, you know, for him it's like game day, you know? He's just looking professional, you know?

He, you know, some people might say he's, he's trying to be a politician, like he's running for president or something like that. But I think that's just part of his thing. That's part of his thing. He's been wearing a suit so long. It's just part of his thing, you

Deremy (38:54.573)

I hear you. That's not bad. I hear you. I hear you.

Tim (38:59.567)
He's like a cross between his dad and like I see a little bit of

Like a little bit of like Ric Flair, as far as the flashiness and the suits, but a little bit of his dad too, as far as the common man and everything too.

Deremy (39:16.456)
Boy, Man, when you like somebody, Tim, you reach, you reach for, I tell you. I want you in my corner, man, if something goes down, because you will, you will, you stand by him. You stand by, I give you that, man. You are loyal. Boy, boy. You saying he's a Dusty and a Ric Flair cross. Okay. Let me, let me ask you this. Let me ask you this. There's two champions, right? We got Cody Rose. We've been talking about him.

How do you feel the real controversial champ from WrestleMania 40, Damian Priest? How do you feel, yes, how do you feel he has been in these four months since WrestleMania 40?

Tim (39:53.622)
count me out?

Tim (40:00.148)
Well, it was a little, it was a little, we needed time to adjust it first. It wasn't adjustment. I feel like it was a rocky start because I didn't know how to feel about him. Before that, I was still unsure. Even when he was sending your money to the bank, I was still unsure. was like, I don't know how I'm gonna feel if he cashed in, if he went, I don't know. But over the last few months, he has grown on me and know, Preece, has gotten better on the mic. I'm not sure if he was ever shaky, but he has gotten better on the mic.

Deremy (40:30.157)
I agree.

Tim (40:30.778)
And he has stepped it up in the ring. So I mean, I don't have any complaints about Daniel Priest. I feel like he's had a good run. He's had a pretty good run. I know Cody, he's got the company title, so he's obviously going to be more favored because he has a company title. But Priest, would say, I know I use this word a lot, he has had a solid run. He's been solid.

I know you're gonna get on me about that forever, he has though. He has, you know, he had a good program with J Uso. know, him and Drew had solid good, outside, you know, the few botches and stuff, they had a pretty good program at Clash the Castle. And Money in the Bank with him and Seth and everything. I know there's controversy there too, but this match with Gunther, that's really the real test. I mean, I don't think we're really expecting him

leave at the SummerSlam with the title. I mean, I'll be shocked if he does because it's pretty much tailor -made for Gupta to walk out with the title, but...

Deremy (41:31.906)
Wow, so you think he was just a setup champion

Tim (41:34.747)
I mean it was either gonna be him or Seth. know if Seth had walked out with the title I feel like you know now that we know what they're doing with Seth you know his involvement at SummerSlam I mean it's pretty clear. I mean either way regardless who came out of money to make with the title they were pretty much set up to take the fall of the Gunther at this point.

Deremy (41:53.092)
So when you see, when you see if Priest does lose at SummerSlam, is that, do you think it's fair if people look at that and say the company doesn't quite think he can handle a long -term title run? Or do you still think that the, like, you can look at it and say the company does believe in

Tim (42:13.021)
I think that, I mean, for him to hold the title this long, because I don't think we really expected him to hold the title this long. Like to be honest, I thought he was going to drop title to Seth and Seth would just be like a transitional champion heading the SummerSlam. Cause I'm pretty sure after the ISC title reign that Gunther had, like you gotta know like a world, we had to know a world title run was in his future at some point, you know, and the king of the ring, the writing was on the wall from the jump. You knew he was going to make it to the finals.

I knew there's some other worthy people that could have won the king of the ring too. Like I know Jey So was talked about, maybe Randy, there's a few others, but you know, Gunther, he was like probably the best pick you probably could have made to book to go over in the finals of the king of the ring. And I know people will kind of question his booking because he's kind of disappeared since then, you know, for a while, but they're kind of just keeping them off TV until like summer time. But he's kind of, I kind

not too mad at that because they kind of just kept him as like a looming threat. You know what saying? Just waiting in the background, waiting just to pick his spot, waiting to see who's going to come out of money in the bank. I mean, honestly, I wouldn't be mad. I would I would be shocked that I wouldn't be mad. Priest did come out as you know, as the winner, you know, in this one, because that does prove that they are confident that he can sustain the championship. He can carry the weight, you know, of the of that brand of raw on his back.

But I mean, I'm not in control of the booking, you know what saying? So I'm not in those meetings, so I don't know what's gonna happen. But we'll just have to see. But at this stage right now, I see Gunther walking out of SummerSlam with the world

Deremy (43:54.148)
Okay, no, I think that's that's that's gonna be interesting I it's been interesting to see these two champs in these past four months and and and I think you're right. It's solid. I think They both had had a lot of people kind of helping them along and I think that's that's only a bad thing because it's it's four months into this spot I like Damien Priest. I I do like

I think you're right. He wasn't bad on the mic before. So it's not like, he stunk, but he's gotten better and he's almost there where it's like, okay, like I like his style. He's not the most witty or funny, but he just brings an attitude and he'll take a shot like coming at your masculinity. Like, well, you ain't going to take this from me. And sometimes you need that. You're not, everyone can always be the quickest with the one liners or whatever, but he's bringing more of an attitude. Like, let's see you come get this and like bringing like, it's going to be a fight.

Tim (44:50.999)

Deremy (44:51.34)
So I do like that about him. And I think that's going to be great for a guy like Gunther who we know likes to bring a

Tim (44:57.793)
Yeah, and I heard, I remember I was in a Facebook group and I seen someone mentioned that Damian Priest kind of reminds him of like his current world title reigns they has now is that he kind of reminds him or he's being booked like Batista's first world title run, you know, like he sort of had like a Batista like run sort of, sort of like, like they're kind of like setting them up to be like a Batista type of face. Like when Batista was facing O5 and

Deremy (45:16.783)
That's interesting,

Tim (45:24.835)
Because you know he's getting a little more swag, he's getting more comfortable on the mic. And like I said, it was an adjustment for me to kind of get comfortable with him at first as world champion, but like I say, he's grown on me. Even the backstage stuff he does with Dom and stuff, messing with Dom backstage. I can already see, okay, he could be a really good babyface going forward, whether he's champion or not after SummerSlam. I could see him having a good, solid babyface run post

you know, when he breaks, when he eventually breaks away from judgment day, you know, cause I know we, we know the swerve is coming. We know the swerve with judgment day is coming, you know, it's definitely coming. Yeah. So that's another thing too. That's why I also think Gupta is guaranteed to walk out because I don't know if he's been paying attention, but Finn, he's kind of looking at Priest a little funny, you know, every time, every time Priest turns his back, you know, and then Priest, did take, you know, lives, hotel key card too on the sly.

Deremy (46:04.118)
It's coming. It's coming.

Deremy (46:14.392)
He has, that's a good point, good old Finn Bauer.

Tim (46:23.521)
you know, and so I feel like in his rumors that Finn may be secretly working with Liv to try to break out Judgment Day from the inside. So, you know, it, yeah.

Deremy (46:34.424)
Okay, we'll see. We'll see. But let's transition into the meat here, SummerSlam, which I think is a good way. I think it's important every year for WWE to have a good SummerSlam to kind of get us revved up for that Survivor Series, know, Royal Rumble kind of push. I think it's a good way to transition into the fall and especially -

to have a good SummerSlam because right now you don't have the competition. I mean, the Olympics will be going on their way, but you don't have like NFL, MLB playoffs, all those that the NBA start. like, I think to really capture people's attention and not have that competition is great for WWE to have a really good SummerSlam to kind of go into the fall to keep this momentum. We got a lot of matches here that I think are really interesting. I do think like what you said earlier,

Triple H is booking really good cards and I don't think there's a match on here that I'm kind of like, eh, all of these matches I'm interested in and have something. let's, let's break it down. We, we talked about you did Damian Priest and Gunther. So let's go to the ladies, all of effective ladies here. What do you think about Bailey, the champ against Nia Jax? And we've had many conversations about Nia Jax. So

You know, in a big spot here in SummerSlam. What do you think about that match?

Tim (48:01.703)
Well, first I remember we talked on the phone after WrestleMania I know you was kind of like little so -so on Bailey because not not there's any fault on Bailey But it's just that you weren't sure if she had any competition, you know as far as for her title like what's the story for her? You know post mania and you know, we saw my EO how she had like, you know, like sort of like a lackluster reign You know heading into mania and stuff like that. So now now it looks

Deremy (48:27.958)

Tim (48:30.696)
the women's title scene on SmackDown is like really heating up. Because now, okay, you've got Bayley and Nia Jax. Like Bayley, she has like a big crop of competition around now. Like the roster is stacked on SmackDown. You got Nia Jax, who's the queen of the ring. She has the guaranteed number one contendership at SummerSlam. You got Tiffany Stratton now lurking, looming in the background because she has money in the bank. She's missing money in the bank now, which it fits her perfectly. You know what saying?

Deremy (48:51.246)
Mm -hmm.

Tim (48:58.858)
You also got Bianca Belair and Jay Cargill, Blair Davenport, the newcomer from NXT possibly.

Deremy (49:08.472)
Yeah. what I felt was to kind of like add on about Bailey, I love Bailey. I love definitely what her character has become since like the pandemic to now. She's not that ponytail kind of like I love, and Bailey's always been a great worker. I felt like her moment kind of, and they'll disrespect to EO, but I wish they would have had a better...

a more interesting transitional champion there for Bayley to beat to make that win more special. was kind of like, know this, what carried it was like, we know what's going to happen is Bayley's moment, but we didn't really care about EO Sky. And I think that's what kind of hurt it. I wish there was that person that like, man, like when Rhea beat Charlotte Flair, it was like, yeah, I wish Bayley rightfully so, cause she's an all time great wrestler.

I wish she would have had something a little bit more oomph to kind of get that WrestleMania

Tim (50:10.898)
Yeah, and I remember you had mentioned it on the phone when you were talking about it at the Mania. You know, like, the story was cool. You know, we knew what was going to happen and everything. We knew the turn was coming with damage control. And also the fact that they kind of got overshadowed by everything else that was going on that night too, or that weekend. You know, had the Cody finishing his story, you got The Rock coming back, you had, you know, seeing Punk and, you know, getting involved with, you know, Drew McIntyre, causing the world title.

You know, you had so much going on that weekend that, you know, you know, it kind of just got, it fell by the wayside, you know. They had a solid match, you know, but other than that, it's like, it is what it is. But going into, but now, you know, months later going into the SummerSlam, like, okay, now I feel like we're back on track as far as the women's title scene. Like, okay. I feel like this Bailey, Nia Jax, man, this is like, okay.

Deremy (50:51.426)
Right. Right.

Tim (51:05.286)
I'm looking forward to, like I'm really looking forward to this match. You know what saying? Because they have history from NXT, which they have mentioned several times on TV lately. And I think they mentioned like Nia Jax injured Bayley before SummerSlam in 2017. So and they brought up the fact that Nia was reckless, know, clumsy in the ring before. And I think a lot of people probably don't know this or pay attention, but Nia, she has gotten a little better. She has improved slightly in the ring. Like she's not

hurting anybody as far as I can see. Like she hasn't hurt anybody. You know, she's putting on solid matches. Her and Mi -Chin, her and Mia Yim had a pretty good match. What was it? Last week or the week before? They had a pretty good match on SmackDown like the week before. You know, I think that was like one of Nia's probably best matches, you know. So that shows me like, okay, that gives me confidence that, okay, Nia and Bayley, they can work a good program at SummerSlam. So I'm looking

Deremy (52:03.886)
So what's your prediction for the

Tim (52:10.285)
I think Bailey comes out. I think Bailey comes out on top. But it might be some shenanigans because Tiffany Stratton is involved and she's working with Nia. So maybe Tiffany Stratton gets involved and accidentally calls Nia to match and then tries to cash in or something like that. We might get a cash in attempt. But I think as far as the initial match, I think Bailey comes out on top.

Deremy (52:31.724)
Okay, I feel like it's gonna be a cash in. do feel like Tiffany, I feel like she walks away champion.

Tim (52:38.693)
You think so?

Deremy (52:40.002)
I'm going to go, I'm going go out on a limb. I feel like she's going to walk. She's got to cash in at some point. I think this will be a big night to do it. So I'm letting the record show Tiffany walks out of their champ at summer slam. So we'll see. I am interested in that match. I'm excited for it. Let's kind of go to. Hmm. Let's go to Sammy Zane versus Bron Breaker. haven't talked about Bron.

Tim (53:01.903)
Tiffy time.

Deremy (53:07.596)
You know, the son and nephew of the Steiner brothers, the genetic freak.

Tim (53:10.608)
yeah, the genetic freak, the big dog. The big dog.

Deremy (53:15.236)
So how do you feel about that? I I love some Sammy. I'm a big, I think the people love Sammy. He's, know, Daniel Bryan, like 2 .0 form. Like he's just easy to love. He's funny. He can work pretty good and stuff. He's a good worker. I mean, Ron's on a wrecking machine like right now. He's just, they're really, I mean, he is a unbelievable specimen to look at, but they're giving him, it feels like that Brock kind of push and putting him there.

How do you see that match playing

Tim (53:46.589)
well, I definitely, since Sammy won the last match, the first match of money in the bank, mean, I can't see them, you know, giving Bron the L two PLEs in a row. So, I mean, I think something happens like Bron just snaps. loses it. He tears Sam. I mean, Sam is going to up a good fight. You know, they're not going to have Sammy look weak, but I think Bron, I think he takes it this time, you know, and Sammy. Yeah. Cause Sammy he's had it since what? April is August. Well, that's like four months.

Deremy (54:11.289)

Deremy (54:16.648)
I think if there's the easiest one to predict match, I think it's this and the one that if something else happened I'd be surprised. I think this for sure. I agree is bronze You know, this is his night in a good way to set him up,

Tim (54:30.57)
Absolutely, because here's the thing, I saw a lot of people online complaining, like, why would they have Sammy go over, because they just ruined Bron Breaker before he even got started. I'm like, listen, he's still young, he's up and coming. You don't need to build him up. I get they're trying to, they're kind of going the Brock listener route, but you don't really need to do the exact same thing. Let them learn a little bit. Use this as a T -Squirrel moment for them.

And kind of like let them build up frustration and then in the rematch, let them just go off. You know what saying? Cause he's been on a tear. You know what I'm saying? Since he made it to the main roster, you know what I'm saying? Like he sent Ricochet packing, you know, he tore through Ilya Dragunov and everybody else and the other no name NXT guy, you know, so, and he's been giving Sammy the blues with them Spears the past couple of weeks. So, I mean, I can't see him losing two matches back to back with Sammy in the row.

This is definitely his moment and SummerSlam is no bigger stage than SummerSlam to do it. You know what saying? So I got a brawn breaker going over Sammy, you know, but Sammy's gonna put up a good

Deremy (55:42.788)
Okay, so now we're looking

Logan Paul versus LA Knight United States Championship. How do you feel about that? Yeah.

Tim (55:54.495)
Yeah, we just said it, Knight. LA Knight. This is LA Knight's title to take right here. You know what saying? I've been saying this since before WrestleMania. I thought it was gonna happen at Mania, but they had LA Knight sidetracked with the AJ Styles feud, and Logan Paul was feuding with Randy and Kevin Owens at the time,

Deremy (56:14.254)
How do you feel like they're doing with LA Knight?

Tim (56:17.311)
It's a bit of a slow burn.

Deremy (56:19.428)
I felt like he was so hot last year. I mean, he's still hot, but I felt like he was gonna rise to kinda compete in the main event.

Tim (56:21.757)
He's still hot. He's still

Tim (56:29.128)
Yeah, I mean, and he still is to a degree. well, he's not in the main, he's like more upper mid card now, but he still has the capability to get back to that main event spot, you know, where he was when he competed at Crown Jewel against Roman. He can get back there, but you know, he needs that stepping stone first. You know what I'm saying? Like give him something, cause if he goes straight to the world title, there's nothing else for him to really go after. Like, cause anything after that is just like a step down for him. Kind of

When Finn Balor first got to the main roster in 2016 and he won the he was the first Universal Champion and he won the title within a month and then he got hurt. Okay, unfortunate, but after that it's like where do go from there? Because now he's the guy he's the champion but okay anything after this is like a step down, you know what saying? Which is why Brock Lesnar never won a mid -card title or a tag title, you know what saying? He just went for the WWE title and that's all that's the only title he ever won, you

Deremy (57:15.982)
Yeah, yeah, I

Deremy (57:26.008)
Yeah, I just kind of wonder because I trust me. I know wrestling fans, we critique a lot. We're hard because we love the product. But I also try to step back, especially the older I get and being like, it's not I mean, not that I ever thought it was easy, but it's not easy when you have these talents and people competing. So how to book this and how to capitalize on someone's momentum and how to like, OK, like you're not here yet, but let's try to keep you close by so then we can

springboard you. It's really a lot of moving parts and then you know the physical injuries, people getting hurt that you wouldn't expect. It's a lot that I whoever has been running it. It's not easy to do. I just kind of worry with LA Knight because you're right. He still is popular. I don't want to think that he just felt like he was on this rise so high and then it became like seeing punk comes in and then Cody is he was there but Cody's run.

And then we get what happened with mania and then the rock and all that stuff and LA night kind of gets forgotten. then now with solo doing his thing and priest, and it's just like, well, LA night, I hope he doesn't. like him personally. I'm sorry. Maybe I'm a little biased. I want to see what he can do in that top spot or competing for it. So I hope he doesn't get forgotten where he kind of just stays stuck at mid to upper mid

Tim (58:51.705)
No, I don't think he will and also I think he's just I think I would just say he's patient he's been patient, you know, and you know, he's just been doing his job and just You know, just doing his thing You know I'm saying where I mentioned like we mentioned earlier about Bobby last year, know where he was just a victim of circumstance, you know, kind of so, you know Every time you get hot you get momentum then someone else will come in, you know What you

Carmelo Hayes and all these new people, Brom Breaker. So many people coming on these new shiny toys. It's like, and not everybody's gonna get TV time. And we mentioned Triple H isn't perfect, but you can only fit so many people in the car at once. know what saying? Yeah, even though you got three hours of Raw and you got two hours of SmackDown and whatnot, you can't send everybody back to NXT. You know what I'm saying? So it's only so much you can do. So

Deremy (59:33.656)
It's hard to balance.

Deremy (59:45.038)
Yeah, that's why I agree. As I'm not coming at Triple H or nothing, I just really want to see what LA Knight can do there. Because I see like, I'm just really curious. I feel like he has potential to really get that spot and run with it if he gets the chance.

Tim (01:00:00.972)
yeah, he will and I feel like all the opportunities he's gotten so far, whether win or lose, any opportunity he's gotten so far, I feel like he's taken the ball and ran with it. Whether it was the title match with Roman last year at Crown Jewel or that battle role that he won last year at SummerSlam or the match with AJ at WrestleMania or the money in the bank or in this current few with Logan Paul, any opportunity he's gotten, he's taken the ball.

and ran with it, he's knocked out the park, you know what saying? So he's doing his job, know, he's hitting all the marks and this United States Championship, when he gets that, boom, that's the next step on to winning the world title someday, you know I'm saying? Yeah.

Deremy (01:00:46.212)
Okay, so what about the guy we haven't been able to talk about yet because we've saved him but probably the match that I feel like people that might really be the Match that people are talking about more CM Punk versus Drew McIntyre with Seth freaking Rollins as a special guest referee a Let's start here with you Tim. How have you

about CM Punk and his return. How have you felt with him so

Tim (01:01:21.41)
Honestly, like, you know, it's pretty much night and day compared to his run at AEW. Like, at least in the latter, his latter months in AEW. cause like the way that ended, like, and all that controversy, I think we, I think we even discussed that on the show one time. I'm not sure. Maybe we talked about it on the phone, but the way how that all blew up and, know, I'm sure everybody had doubts and stuff about him coming back. And I know at a Survivor Series around that time, was like rumors that he was going to show up and he did.

It was a big thing. It was a big story for like a week. It was a big shock. We didn't expect to see him come back and he did. It was like, wow, that's like one of the biggest moments in wrestling ever, right? In the last 10 years or so, like seeing Punk back in WWE. And he came back, his first official TV match at the Royal Rumble, and then he gets hurt. And it ruined all the plans for WrestleMania, almost did. But he was still involved and the way that

Deremy (01:02:01.411)
Mm -hmm.

Tim (01:02:19.499)
they were able to make this work because he was originally feuding with Seth. But they were able to pivot and kind of shift the focus between Drew and Punk and then make that last and make that work from January all the way to now to end of July and August. That's like an eight month run and they haven't even had a match yet. Not in the fifth match. And they're just now about to have this match at SummerSlam. That's impressive. That speaks volumes to the talent

Deremy (01:02:40.065)
Mm -hmm.

Tim (01:02:48.93)
the charisma that they both, that both Drew and Punk have and be able to get themselves over and get this story over, you know, without even having the match, without even touching each other barely, you know. I know some people were kind of disappointed that they kind of wasted the men's money in the bank cashing, but I mean, regardless how you feel, I mean, it's two ways to look at it. You know, it was predictable, yeah, but it furthered the story or it was a waste of the cash because you could have gave that to LA Knight, you could have gave it to Drew.

I mean, I'm sorry, Jay Uso, or you could have gave it to Chad Gable. But, you know, it further story and it gave it more heat. And now you got Seth Rollins involved, which is kind of reminiscent to SummerSlam 97, with Shawn Michaels being the special referee with Brett and Taker, two people who was beefing with at the time, you know what I'm saying? So, and then you got Bad Blood coming up, you know, so it's like Shades of 97 coming back now, you know I'm saying?

Deremy (01:03:37.006)

Deremy (01:03:45.572)
Yeah, and I think I I agree with you. I like how they did it. Yes, there's a lot of names that you could have given given the money in the bank to then drew but a I've liked what drew has been doing and also it was a smart thing where you have Maybe the most controversial the most talked about wrestler of the past 10 to 15 years seeing punk you bring him back Bad luck happens. You get hurt. You got to keep him involved. You can't put

on the shelf like totally and you don't see him keep that momentum going. This has been a brilliant move by WWE and brilliantly executed in my opinion by Punk, by Drew and by Seth freaking Rollins. So for having two of those three guys being hurt throughout this time, they've done a great job in keeping us interested and

I'm excited and hey, I'm gonna give, I know I had to give a hard time on the show, but I had to give props too. When we were talking on the phone right after WrestleMania, I said I was disappointed. I understood why it was injury. I wanted to see that Punk Rollins match because man, it was just prime. The tension was great. That stare off promo they had was classic to me, instant classic. And to your point, you said, yeah, it stinks, but.

They can still have that great match and the anticipation can still be there. And so far the way it's looking, you were right. So I can say I give you credit on

Tim (01:05:17.747)
And remember like, remember back in the day when Bret and Shawn had the rematch at WrestleMania 13 and Shawn, you know, got hurt and he lost his smile and whatnot. So, and then, you know, fast forward to SummerSlam 97, Shawn is a special referee for the title match against Bret and Taker. And then, you know, then months later we get, you know, Bret and Shawn in Survivor Series and we know how that played out, you know, in Montreal.

Deremy (01:05:24.025)
Mm -hmm.

Deremy (01:05:27.832)
You lost that smile.

Deremy (01:05:45.252)
The most infamous match in WWE history.

Tim (01:05:47.997)
So, and it seems like lately, like especially with Triple H and HBK taking over, like they've been rehashing a lot of their own storylines. So history has known to repeat itself lately, you know, in WWE. So, and especially with Bad Blood coming up and we know you have to expect the Hell in a Cell match is going to take place at Bad Blood, you know. So, I think this first match, it's hard to really call between Drew and Punk because it's so personal. So I think it's probably going to end like a no contest or something

But Seth is a special guest referee, so he may not throw it out, but somebody's gotta go down. Somebody's gotta take the L or it's gonna end in no contest, you know, either way. And I think the blow off, if they have a rematch at Bash in Berlin, okay, cool. But I think really the payoff is bad blood. I think this was building towards hell in the cell with Punk and Drew. And then we pick back up with Seth and Punk, you know, maybe.

I'll have to imagine WrestleMania. If they can.

Deremy (01:06:49.87)
I think they're trying to get there. If everything can go on track, I think they're going to try to get there because I just still feel there's something about those two in the ring. you know, we know and we're smart fans, hell, you used to work for the company. So, I mean, we know these things. Like we're not like, you know, naive on it, but they do a hell of a job of like, is there some tension there? Is that real? How much of it is played? How much of it is gray?

Tim (01:07:18.06)

Deremy (01:07:19.766)
Like they have done a good job and there's something when those two get in the ring that you feel like, there might be some like some tension there. Like, and they're playing that really well. Like, cause sometimes you don't know if it's real fake or if it's the gray area and that's what makes pro wrestling special. Right. But they did a good job where I'm like, is it real?

Tim (01:07:30.83)
And I

Tim (01:07:41.529)
Hey, I mean, did you watch the the WrestleMania documentary behind the curtain? Yeah, so it's like when Roman said, it's like Roman said, if you're able to keep swerving them and swerving them, that's how you know you got them. You know what saying? When you don't know, you know, which is which, you don't know what's real or what storyline. That's how you know, you got them. You know what saying? That's what keeps you coming back. Are you trying to see what's going to happen? You know what I'm saying? So and they actually do. I heard they punk and Seth do have like some real life heat,

Deremy (01:07:45.622)
Absolutely on YouTube.

Deremy (01:07:53.997)
Mm -hmm.

Tim (01:08:10.53)
They're professional enough to able to collaborate and work on, you know, the promos and their segments and stuff. So that is good. You know what saying? So considering, you know, what punk was going through with AEW, you know what saying? With the elite and all that stuff. I'm just like, like this is, and let this be an example, cause I'm not taking any shots at AEW or anything like that, but I'm just saying like, look at what punk is doing with two guys. I don't know if him and Drew have real life heat or not, but look what he's doing with Seth.

and how he's able to work with Seth, a guy who he has real heat with and he's drawing money with and having this big program with, you know, eventually it's going to lead to a match between them, but they're still working the program with each other. They're making money together. Punk and it did the same thing with the elite if they wanted to play ball. So I feel like there was money left on the table, you know, in a W with him and the bucks and Kenny and stuff like that, you know, but, we'll never, we'll never know how that, how that played out, but you see how

Deremy (01:09:03.872)
Okay, so

Tim (01:09:08.626)
know, punk is willing to play ball and you see like punk wasn't really the whole main problem of that whole issue over there, you

Deremy (01:09:18.2)
No, no, I think we see what punk is. think he is a, some people are perfectionists and maybe they don't always handle it the best way, but I think you can see sometimes, you understand their frustrations with things. And hey, we all know as we get older, we work in spots and no one's perfect. And there's ways to go about frustration the right way. And there's some people

No one's like I said, no one's perfect. Some people hit it. All right. Hey, they handled it straight up, but professionally they hit that more often than not. And some people get frustrated and maybe it's not the most professional way they handle it, but you see their point. And I think one thing I can give CM Punk, as you know him, Phil, I'll say like, I understood where he came from. I understood what his beef was with certain companies throughout the years. He didn't always handle it well.

but I understand where he comes from and I think also he had some growth

Tim (01:10:21.45)
Yeah, I mean, because look, I was skeptical when he came back as Survivor Series. I was like, well, how's this going to go? You know, is he going to butt heads with somebody? I know him and Seth got heat. know, and Triple A's got history, you know, and everything. I know him and AJ got a little beef too, a little heat. But over the last year or so, since then, like, he's passed it up with pretty much all those people, you know, or he's at least able to be cordial and, you know, work and, you

and respectful and be respectful and just work in a cordial environment. Just be able to just coexist with these guys, if he hasn't passed it up with everybody. I guess he has matured since the whole AEW

Deremy (01:11:06.18)
Let me ask you before we go to the next match, so give me a quick answer. Who has been, who's had a more interesting past four months? CM Punk or Cody Rhodes?

Tim (01:11:26.811)

Deremy (01:11:29.432)
Enough said, enough said, that's all I gotta say.

Deremy (01:11:38.179)
Mm -hmm.

Deremy (01:11:43.524)
I would love to have a cookout with Cody. I would, I would for sure. I would have both these guys to a cookout to be honest with

Tim (01:11:47.561)
Absolutely, man.

Tim (01:11:52.373)
Cody and Pot?

Deremy (01:11:53.868)
Yeah, think both Cody, you know him as Phil, but I think both of them are in reality, like no kayfabe would be cool at a cookout. I would invite them both to a

Tim (01:12:03.529)
yeah, I'll definitely let them have a conversation with each of them pick their brain and stuff, you know, they definitely seem like cool guys in real life. But yeah, I would say nothing against Cody, that's my guy, but I would say Punk just for the fact that he hasn't even wrestled this whole summer and he's able to carry a whole few just on the mic and he's only had like a few limited appearances here and there between what April

Deremy (01:12:11.554)
Yeah, it'd be a good show, but...

Deremy (01:12:22.668)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Tim (01:12:32.519)
what July, what not, but in the fact that this feud has had this much heat building up and Punk and Drew haven't had a match, like to me, is the rivalry of the year right here. This, excuse me, this is the feud of the year right

Deremy (01:12:34.286)
Going into August here.

Deremy (01:12:46.596)
punk the 3M or the 2 of punk and drew or punk drew with Seth.

Tim (01:12:49.032)
I was, well, punk and Drew, just punk and Drew. I know Seth and punk, they'll have their time for their one -on -one later on. I know it's coming, but I would say for right now, the majority has just been punk and Drew for the most part.

Deremy (01:13:04.13)
Yeah, no, think Drew has really done a great job. I'm really impressed with him. I like Drew.

Tim (01:13:10.075)
Please. Yeah, I know for a long time you weren't really high on Drew at first, you know, when he was a

Deremy (01:13:16.268)
I was, what I said was to be fair, I did understand that he, he was a champ in a really awkward time with the pandemic. So I, I couldn't go full bore because it was so unique and so rare. And he really, those who did well, I gave bonus to like points. Those who kind of were in the middle or struggled, I can't knock because it was unprecedented. You know what I mean? So I can't knock you like no

We all were just trying, but I wasn't sure how he would be. Like I was curious for him as champion and I'm like, I want to see how he'll do. And he didn't quite hook me like the way Roman Reigns did, but I wasn't sure with him because he has all the attributes and I like him. He's showing me now it's taken a few years to get chugging along four years later. I'm like, yeah, I think Drew

If you put Drew where Damien Priest is, and I love Priest, I do, but if you had Drew wearing that belt, woo, big difference, man. Let's just call it what it is, big difference. Put that belt on Drew. I'm just saying, Gunther, but put that belt on Drew.

Tim (01:14:28.562)

Tim (01:14:32.711)
Well, mean, Drew did have the title for like five minutes and 45 seconds at WrestleMania. And you were there for that, you were there.

Deremy (01:14:40.002)
I was a witness, like LeBron James. We are all witness.

Tim (01:14:42.501)
I will say that this is probably the best version of Drew McIntyre that we've probably ever seen. And I enjoyed Drew's face run the past four years, but this is probably like, he's really in his element. He's really, just like how The Rock was able to reinvent himself with the final boss.

Deremy (01:14:59.396)
I got one for you. Let me say this because on being a game we connect the past to the present You've been doing a great job of that on this episode. You've been going to 97 What was Brett Hart's most interesting run when he went heel his 97 run? I think was his best work overall So I think is to compare 97 Brett gave that great work that year Drew turning heel he's given his best work. So just wanted to say that

Tim (01:15:29.293)
Yeah, I mean, you know what saying? And you definitely see the parallels because Brett in the United States, you know, he was very like anti -American around that time, you know, in the States he was a heel. But when they go to Canada, he's like a baby face. He's a hero. He's like a he's like a god up there in Canada, you know. So I thought that was like an interesting dynamic, you know. So, yeah, and like especially with Drew, when they went to Scotland for Clash of the Capsules, he was like the most over thing over there. You know what saying? He was like a hero over there, you know, and punk.

Deremy (01:15:42.178)
Mm -hmm, mm -hmm, it was great.

Tim (01:15:58.595)
He's supposed to be the face. He got booed out the building when he called you the title. And that was just great TV. That was just like, yeah.

Deremy (01:16:07.31)
Great TV and big props to Wade Barrett as well. like that, the pregame, the postgame with Wade and Big E, like think they're really good. And Wade did a good job of having Drew's back and even at Money in the Bank having to help hold him back and stuff like that and help him get him off after he hit Adam Pearce. I like what Wade's, the way he's still got some good stuff in him too there, so.

Tim (01:16:16.739)

Tim (01:16:32.77)
And this talk that Wade might actually get back in the ring

Deremy (01:16:38.168)
I'd be interested, but you know what? I like him on the mic though. I like

Tim (01:16:42.131)
But look, he's great on commentary. I love the NXT with Vic Joseph and he's doing great with Corey on SmackDown. He was good with Michael Cole as well. feel like if you pair him with anybody, he's good with anybody, you know what saying? He could bounce off anybody.

Deremy (01:16:54.446)
Well, I'll be honest, this will be just a quick detour before I want to get to your boy Cody and Solo, but I think the broadcast team is phenomenal, man. And we both grew up on JR and I love JR and he can still maybe be the GOAT, you know, for what he's done and JR and Jerry Lawler were great. Some people before love Gorilla, Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, all great. But overall just, I love

What Michael Cole's done and for how long has he's done it? Michael Cole is great. I'm a big Cole fan. McAfee came out on fire and he's still on fire. I love seeing Pat McAfee on SmackDown and doing events. Corey Graves, phenomenal. Big Corey Graves fan as well. They had some weird tries where they, know, Byron, I didn't need him. What's my man?

his wife, the lady who was on there, I'm blanking on her. Thank you. I like Renee young, but I didn't like her on the broadcast on, you know, doing color.

Tim (01:17:55.434)
Anytime, Rene Young.

Tim (01:18:02.277)
I feel like they only did that just to check off a box, you know what saying? Yeah, not a knock on her because you know, Renee's cool, Renee's great, you know what saying? But I just feel like he did that just to check off

Deremy (01:18:06.196)
I agree.

Deremy (01:18:12.548)
No, Renee is great. Like when she hosts like podcast when she does like the poster pre -gate like Renee is really good I didn't think she was good at color So but I feel like they have it like you said with with with Wade when he does it with Corey with McAfee Mike Cole, I just love what I'm seeing right now from the broadcast

Tim (01:18:32.702)
Yeah, yeah, the commentary at least in WWE has this the best the commentary has been in like years since like this probably since Probably since Rutile's aggression era, know I'm saying like when they JR and King and Michael Cohen Taz like to me those like the two best teams at those times now Okay, I feel like we back to that sort of in the way and the thing that interesting too is you got Michael Cohen McAfee who were basically supposed to be like the babyface commentary they're both babyfaces

Deremy (01:18:38.966)

Deremy (01:18:53.163)
I agree.

Tim (01:19:01.948)
Smackdown, Corey and Wade are sort of like the heel commentary team and they're both color commentators too which is kind of weird even though Corey is kind of like transitioned more than like play -by -play you know but they're both they're both former wrestlers so I just thought that was kind of interesting how they had both two sort of like heel because they both they both favor the heels you know when they come out like when Pretty Deadly comes out they're both like fanning over them and stuff like that you know

Deremy (01:19:12.13)
He is, he is.

Deremy (01:19:28.58)
but no, no, let's look at Cody versus Solo. And we talked about Cody. Tell me about Solo, man. What are you feeling? He has a tough task. He was given a good spot in being a part of the bloodline with Roman, but he's taken over the bloodline. And with Roman Reigns, acknowledge him. We had to acknowledge Roman, given one of the great title runs these past years.

You know, really just being a game changer. I know you don't really want to give him that credit, but it's just the truth. What Roman Reigns was able to do.

Tim (01:20:05.692)
No, I give Roman his credit, you know what saying? Well, pun intended. Well, pun intended. I acknowledge that Roman, you know, did his thing. He held it down. You know, he carried the company on his back through the pandemic, you know what saying? Through that Thunderdome era, you know. Drew was there too, but I'm just saying Roman carried most of it, you know what saying? He got the spotlight on him. You know, he got the spotlight back on him. He brought the eyes back. You know, he was putting butts in seats when fans did come back, you know, and

Deremy (01:20:25.208)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Yes.

Tim (01:20:35.484)
people were tuning in to see who's gonna beat Roman Reigns, who's taking the title off of him. And like, every time it didn't happen, it just build up more heat, more heat, more heat. It's like, okay, he goes through Drew McIntyre, he goes through Big E, you know, he beats Brock Lesnar, who's like his biggest test, you know. He beat Cody and then like, shit, he beat Cody. I'm like, okay, well, if he beat Cody, like who's gonna stop him? Then, you know, they run this whole story for like a whole year to get Cody back on track, you know. So was like this whole,

Deremy (01:20:40.899)
Mm -hmm.

Tim (01:21:04.606)
Like watching the Floyd Mayweather fight to see who's going to beat Floyd. Because know Floyd, he's never lost, right? So it's like trying to see who's going to beat Floyd Mayweather. Who's going to beat Mike Tyson. It's like watching a big fight on boxing.

Deremy (01:21:17.442)
Yeah. And I say all that, know, to acknowledge Roman, acknowledge him, but also Solo was put into the bloodline, but now being in the lead, that's big shoes to fill. And I, you know, so I'm wondering, what do you, how do you feel about, it's kind of like the, the DX thing, speaking to your point with Sean and Triple H, you know, we had the original DX with Sean Triple H, China, Rick Rue, kinda, and then Triple H kind of revamps it and you get X -Pac.

Tim (01:21:27.375)
Yeah, absolutely.

Deremy (01:21:46.968)
Road Dog, Billy Gunn, all that stuff. So I'm wondering, how do you feel like the new version of the Bloodline is going with Solo?

Tim (01:21:56.827)
That's interesting that you brought that up because I even think about that, you know with the DX comparison Wow Well, I'm gonna say this right now Solo wouldn't be in this position if they weren't confident that he could handle himself if he could pull it off and We've talked about it. Like you said it yourself. Like you said he's been doing great work good solid work, you know And I know I've been calling shook so Koa, know I'm saying this, you know, he looked he looks menacing he looks

very like traditional heel, like he's drawing the heat. You he's not trying to be like one of these other guys that's trying to be a cool heel, you know what saying? And, you know, trying to be funny and whatnot. Like, no, he looks menacing. Like he looks like a mob boss out

Deremy (01:22:38.83)
Yeah, his suit makes

Tim (01:22:40.664)
Yeah. Cody can still wear. I see. I see what you're doing. I see what you're doing. Cody can still wear a suit and still pull the best part of his thing. Just like the rock in his Versace shirt. Just like, like, just like, you know, dusty when he wore his suits too, you know. But anyway, nah, but they wouldn't, Solo wouldn't be in this position if they weren't confident that he could hang.

Deremy (01:22:46.052)
You like, like, see how I did that right there?

Deremy (01:22:58.798)
Sure, sure,

Tim (01:23:09.955)
know I'm saying if he could you know pull us off you know I think he's done exceptionally well you know so far with what he's been given and you know know people are kind of worried like can he talk and what because he didn't really talk a whole lot you know I'm saying so and when you hear him talk I'm like he's talking all clear and you know he's not you know stumbling he's not you know stuttering anything like that like he sounds like he's confident you know he's

Deremy (01:23:23.192)
No, he

Deremy (01:23:33.376)
And he's doing this without one of the, maybe you can say he's over clips Bobby Heenan as the greatest like on the mic. You know, Paul Heyman, like they, would think, right? Like, all right, Roman leaves, you would keep Paul Heyman in that role and he does a, and they, kind of, but even still Paul was around, but Solo was still talking on his

Tim (01:23:42.989)
Who, Solo? yeah.

Tim (01:23:51.865)
And he did for a while.

Deremy (01:23:59.628)
And Paul kind of had like those shocked faces like, whoa, what is he doing? So they really let Solo kind of, as soon as WrestleMania ended, Solo took a lead role. And I think the easy thing and the safe thing and the thing that I'll be honest, I maybe would have done was just kept Paul doing a lot of that talking for Solo, but Solo's the lead and let Solo talk a little bit more. They kind of let him go and I've been impressed with them. And I mean, to have that SmackDown.

Madison Square Garden the biggest stage and what they did that night and Taking out Paul Heyman you had Jalen Brunson there and Hal Burton from the Pacers and that was a they went all out They understood the representation of the garden. I love that Yeah, great smackdown Yes, and they they went all out for it and solo and the new bloodline lived up to it and so I'm I'm just curious I'm excited

Tim (01:24:45.45)
Yeah, that was a really good SmackDown too. That was one of the best SmackDowns of the year right

Deremy (01:25:00.078)
What do think this match will bring? Will this be the match of the night?

Tim (01:25:03.422)
Maybe not match the night, but I think it'll be a good match though. It'll be a good match. you're going to probably get some bloodline interference, obviously. but as I said before, you know, you mentioned solo didn't need Heyman and that's what I said. Like that he wouldn't be in this spot if they weren't confident that he could hang that he could hold his own against Cody and being a high profile championship main event type match. He's this I'm assuming it's going to be the main event. You know what This has to be the main event.

Deremy (01:25:31.275)
I think

Tim (01:25:31.936)
And they're also teasing that Roman might return possibly as well, you know, which is ironic because SummerSlam is where Roman returned and where he began his tribal chief run. So how fitting he returns at the same event that he started his biggest, you know.

Deremy (01:25:47.14)
Remember they brought Lesnar out, that in 21 or 22 at SummerSlam?

Tim (01:25:50.366)
Yeah, yeah. Twenty one. was twenty one. was twenty one. So in SummerSlam, I've noticed a theme with SummerSlam. It's always been a night of surprise returns lately these past four years or so. Like was was Roman and then Brock and the next year, I think it was damage control. Bailey coming out with, you know, EO and the Kovacai. And then not sure who who was last year. Becky. Becky Lynch came

Deremy (01:26:11.64)
Mm -hmm, mm -hmm.

Deremy (01:26:18.565)
right, Becky did the other one. Yeah, she beat Bianca. Yeah. Mm -hmm. Yeah, good call. Good call.

Tim (01:26:21.689)
Yeah, it was that same year Brock came back. It was the same year Brock came back. Yeah. I'm not sure who came back last year. But I know SummerSlam is this theme of like big returns. we, you got, you almost have to expect like Roman has to come back. Maybe Jimmy Uso too. You know, the Kickstarter, this bloodline, Civil War. I'm not sure how they're gonna factor in Jay Uso to that because he's on Raw, but you know, I guess.

Deremy (01:26:44.964)
I don't think you need to have Jey Uso in that. think Jey's doing pretty well. He's doing pretty well on his own. So like, I think the Roman and then I'm curious with Jimmy, what they're going to do with, if he's done or you're going to bring him back.

Tim (01:27:00.776)
Well, he's well, they only wrote them off because he's injured but they say he's cleared now I don't know how you fit him in I mean Roman they're gonna have him come back like Superman anyway, so he could take on everybody by himself But even Roman can't fight the whole you know, it's like four -on -one at that point He can't fight them all by himself not forever. So at some point they

Deremy (01:27:22.286)
So, I mean, we're leading to a Roman verse solo. Is that WrestleMania?

Tim (01:27:28.03)
I don't know they drag it out that far, if Roman and Rock doesn't happen at WrestleMania, then maybe they do. It just depends on how they drag, because I mean, Roman, he's at a point now where he's almost like a part timer. So he might come in, maybe do a match after SummerSlam and then take off.

Deremy (01:27:43.428)
Do we really need The Rock at WrestleMania

Tim (01:27:46.002)
What? You see him up, he was there, well he wasn't there for night one to see him actually wrestle.

Deremy (01:27:52.686)
I mean, I got the experience, man. I saw him Thursday night. I ain't seeing Friday. I was outside the arena Saturday night and I was in there Sunday. I mean, don't get me wrong, The Rock brought it. This adds to his already, he's a Mount Rushmore guy. What he did added already to a great, an all time GOAT status career. Like you could make a case for him eclipsing Austin for what he did.

Tim (01:28:20.978)
Yeah, at this point, yeah, I would say he's definitely, I would definitely put him above Austin right now. right now. Like, if you had said maybe like, maybe 2003 or 2004, I would still have him and Austin neck and neck, but you know, I would say right now, especially like what he's done outside of wrestling and stuff like that, you know, and how

Deremy (01:28:39.78)
Well, not even, mean, just obviously, but it comes outside of wrestling. He's the biggest star in wrestling history. That's hands down. But when it comes to just wrestling, I will put him above Austin because you look at what he did. So he had an initial run from the 96 to 02 or 03, but then the comeback and the headline back to back manias with Cena, you know, a decade after

Tim (01:28:44.549)

Deremy (01:29:08.1)
and giving us great matches. That's impressive. And to build up some of the most exciting moments you could say of the past 15 to 20 years was the Rock coming back for that. And then to do what he did building up to this stuff and getting us excited, making those appearances and then what he did behind the scenes and on camera to really, you can say, correct me if I'm wrong, Tim, at maybe one of the most crucial points

Maybe the most crucial point in the company's history, it's up there, helped to really save the company, like on camera and behind the scenes. Because they were at a crossroads around January of this

Tim (01:29:44.614)

Tim (01:29:51.262)
yeah, and it's crazy because it wasn't that it seemed it seems like it was just yesterday but man January was just like you think about it's like that was like seven eight months ago But it seemed like it was just yesterday and you know the whole the Vince thing came up You know, he had to step down again You know and they had just announced the Netflix deal and everything and the Royal Rumble was coming up there was talk about Rock versus Roman at WrestleMania this year this past year and you know, so so many things

Deremy (01:30:01.112)
Mm -hmm.

Tim (01:30:20.56)
could have went wrong, but fortunately they paid attention, they listened to the fans online, they heard everybody's outcries and everything, and they were able to adjust, you know, and still, while the original plans to have him involved with WrestleMania with the main event, they still managed to keep him involved, but slightly adjust his character and keep Cody involved and keep that original story and the plan with him taking the title off Roman. So in the way they played it and the way

Deremy (01:30:46.18)
Mm -hmm.

Tim (01:30:49.808)
played off of that and kind of blurred the lines a little bit by having the rock mention that he was part of the board and everything like that. Like this is

Deremy (01:30:57.924)
And all that being said and all that being very true, don't need to see, definitely not The Rock and Roman. I'll say, okay, I'll hedge my bets. I don't wanna see The Rock and Roman at WrestleMania 41. If you can give me somebody else with The Rock, I don't know. But I don't need to see The Rock and That has no interest in me because, well

Tim (01:31:20.73)
So you think the moment has passed for that?

Deremy (01:31:25.004)
Yeah, well, what's the storyline like he's he we've blurred it. He's the final boss. He's on the board But then the tribal chief so it's like you're both bosses like I don't really care like, you know what i'm saying

Tim (01:31:37.133)
Well, mean, the Rock was initially coming back to challenge Roman for the head of the table. know, that was the whole, that was going to be the whole premise of their feud if they had stuck to the plan. But they still could circle back to that. It's just that with Cody being involved now, it kind of adds a little wrinkle and maybe a little detour to that. So they don't, we may not get Rock versus Roman next year. I don't know if that's the plan or not. Like they still got time to figure all that out, but I feel like we may get Rock versus Cody.

Deremy (01:31:42.178)
He was. He was.

Tim (01:32:07.179)
you know, if that's the plan. Yeah, cause remember the night after Mania Rock said he has to go away to film movies and stuff. And he said, regardless of Cody's champ or not, he's coming back for him. You know, he's going to finish what they started. Cause he said, Cody's story is over with Roman, but their story is just getting started. and I feel like, you know, and Cody so far he's had this run, he's had like a similar journey to what John Cena had, you know, cause remember Cena.

Deremy (01:32:08.58)
They teased it. They teased

Tim (01:32:35.829)
He lost to The Rock that first match and then he lost every other match, every pay -per -view after that. And he had to build himself back up and Rock was champion. He beat Punk into his reign or whatever. They had to rematch for the title. Similar to Cody, he lost that first match to Roman. Had to work himself, build himself back up, won the Rumble again, just like Cena won the Rumble again, beat Roman, and he's kind of dealing with similar pasts, just like after that first match.

Cena had to go through Brock Lesnar. Cody had to deal for Brock Lesnar's feud after WrestleMania. You know what saying? That was like, I guess a proven ground or he had to earn his stripes. Cause a lot of people at that time after their first match saying, well, Cody wasn't ready. He didn't earn it. You know what I'm saying? They rushed it. Well, yeah. And guess what? That whole past year they made them work for it. You know, he had to go through the hoops. He went to the Brock. And it paid off. know, it did. It paid off.

Deremy (01:33:22.124)
I was one of

Deremy (01:33:28.822)
I think I was right.

Deremy (01:33:33.156)
I think I was right. WrestleMania 40 wouldn't be what it be if he would have won at 39. So I could say that. I was okay with 40 because also it capped off a hell of a run by Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman and I say them two together. But I'm curious to just see, man. They got some young talent in that new bloodline. And I think like

If they do it right, those guys are going to be just nice to watch, man. They're great to watch in the ring and they bring that intensity that I'm like, I got to watch Jacob. I got to watch. So I got to watch these guys. I love

Tim (01:34:13.867)
Especially Jacob. Jacob is gonna be a star. He's gonna be a star. know that guy he has pretty much he's like the total package and from what I heard he's like the most talented out the whole family outside of the rock. Outside of the rock he's like the most talented out the whole family. know he can do like these high flying cruiserweight like moves but he's built like a heavyweight though. But he's doing these high he moves like a cruiserweight and he has that intensity that fire like Umaga. You know what saying?

Deremy (01:34:25.592)
Yeah. Yeah.

Deremy (01:34:30.093)
I believe

Tim (01:34:44.157)
What I heard, Umaga's former manager, Armando Estrada, used to be his manager in the Indies. So, and there was talk of bringing him back in as the new wise man for the new bloodline. So, I mean, there's a possibility they could do that. But yeah, out all of them, Jacob Fatu's definitely gonna be a star, regardless. So, I'm curious to see where they go with it and how they handle it. Tamatanga, he's been cool so far. Tamatanga Lola,

Deremy (01:34:55.908)
Hmm, interesting.

Tim (01:35:13.18)
I'm not, I've really watched a whole lot of him, but I mean, if you've noticed, he's had a few mishaps. He kind of boxed the low blow on KO, you know, and he even boxed like his debut. Like he, at backlash, when he came out the ring, he came out late and pulled the referee late, you know, and stopped the count, you know, so he still needs some work on, but he still has some stuff to work on, but you

It's still time to get it right and everything like that. But you know, I'm looking forward to seeing how they handle the new bloodline and everything. But Solo, he's definitely ready. He's right where he needs to be at. And do I think he's going to win? Do I think he's going to walk out with a title? No, no. He's not there yet. I think we both can agree he's not there yet. But he's getting there. He's getting there. You know what saying? So this is just like a test to see. Huh?

Deremy (01:35:57.208)
Yeah, for

Deremy (01:36:01.144)
He'll beat him. I think he's going to beat him at one point. They're going to have it, but not on August 3rd. He won't win that.

Tim (01:36:05.607)

Tim (01:36:09.657)

Deremy (01:36:32.878)

Tim (01:36:38.894)
at some point could come back too.

Deremy (01:36:40.984)
Yeah. So let me ask you, match of the night real quick, match of the night. What's your prediction for the best match of the

Tim (01:36:51.527)
do we discuss, Liv and Ria

Deremy (01:36:55.864)
We kind of did a little bit earlier, but just tell me who you got winning that.

Tim (01:36:59.492)
Well, I would say it's going to be some shenanigans. I would just say live for right now. Just

Deremy (01:37:07.212)
Yeah, I think Dom's gonna go with Liv. You know?

Tim (01:37:09.444)
Yeah. And then we're gonna also like, just like I said with priests, we might see the judgment day. think that's gonna, some of us go to the night where we see the judgment day implode, know. You know, whether Dom, whether he sides with Liv, whether they... Yeah, they've grown on me. Look, they're like, if you merge the ministry of darkness with DX, that's what you get, you get the judgment day. know, cause they started out super serious with Edge and then like after he, they kicked them

Deremy (01:37:19.288)
That'd be huge.

I've liked Judgment Day, I'll be honest. I've liked him as a faction.

Tim (01:37:38.692)
You thought they was gonna be like a joke or something, they were gonna be jobbers, but they picked it back up and they found their footing and they become a staple of Raw. Just like the bloodlines become a staple of SmackDown.

Deremy (01:37:53.422)
No, Judgment Day's had a good run and I think it's helped Priest, especially the two leaders, Priest, Rhea. And Dom's been a good heal. Like you gotta give him credit. I'm kind of glad, I was tired of the Ray, the deadbeat dad that got played out. And you could tell he needed like Rhea, him and Rhea were interesting. But I kind of like what they do with Dom. We gotta give credit. We talked about the Miz in the past.

Logan Paul doms a hell of a heel too. He plays that part really

Tim (01:38:25.794)
Yeah. the fact that he, and the fact that, know, they still kind of like, I really like the long -term storytelling and how they kind of lean on him being like Eddie's son, sort of, cause he, he has the mullet like Eddie's bro, he's growing the mustache out. He's doing the three amigos and stuff like that. So I kind of like the long -term storytelling with that, with the little, the subtle gestures and everything, the subtle references. So yeah, he's definitely coming to his own.

So I feel like if he stayed in the tag team with his dad, he definitely would have fizzed out a long time ago. He probably wouldn't have been gone. So he definitely needed the Jesuit day more than they needed him for sure. He definitely

Deremy (01:39:02.348)
Mm -hmm. So yeah, yeah Dom Dom neat teeth got advantage of it too. But I Do think there'll be some breakups there. I I would love to see Liv and Dom but Rhea and my boy, yeah Jey Uso, I would love to see them two together man. That'd be that'd be tough out great comedy We're gonna connect it the Eddie Guerrero China effect

I think we could get with the J -Usso -Ria -Ripley kind of

Tim (01:39:37.604)
Aren't we already getting the Eddie and China with diamond ring, you

Deremy (01:39:42.084)
Nah, nah, Because it was more like they like each other. Like, mama see, like he was hit where like Dom was like on the Rhea spell. Like Rhea beat him down.

Tim (01:39:53.634)
Well, that will remember down so be Eddie's biological sign, you

Deremy (01:39:59.34)
Yeah, but I think the mamacita thing I think just that whole little scene with Jey Uso and Priest and Dom on That crap. Yeah, I'm trying to holler. I think that'd be great,

Tim (01:40:05.74)
That was hilarious.

Tim (01:40:12.586)
He said I heard mommy's single and ready to mingle. Like what's up? Yeah, I'm surprised he's not on the card, but I get it. Not everybody can be on the card and everything like that. And Raw, they already have like four matches. SmackDown, they got like three. They might add one more. So the card is already stacked as it is. But

Deremy (01:40:15.364)
You talk about somebody emerging man also Jay Uso I'm loving some Jay

Deremy (01:40:28.545)

Deremy (01:40:34.82)
And I think it's good, let him, who knows, maybe he might show up. You know, I might put that, I'm not going to predict that, but I might put that out there. Maybe he's involved in some other way. Cause he's hot right

Let him holler. Yeet. That's all I got to say,

Tim (01:40:51.138)
I'm at the very least we might see him in the backstage segment. He might have a run -in with Leah. I'm sorry, Rhea backstage or something like that. You know, they might have a little run -in or something, you

Deremy (01:41:04.536)
Is that the match of the night for you? Ria and Liv.

Tim (01:41:07.29)
no, not Master of Night, but I think it'll be entertaining.

Deremy (01:41:11.032)
Does Rio get her title back? You said Liv, right? Did you say Liv wins?

Tim (01:41:14.656)
Yes, I said live, but due to some shenanigans, it might be some controversy going on. So, Master of the Night for

Tim (01:41:25.468)
I know it's not, I know Colleen solo would be a good match, but I don't think that's gonna be matched tonight either.

Tim (01:41:33.929)
Let me see, think Madison Knight could be, I wanna say Sammy and Braun, just because I know they're good workers, but I think maybe Drew and Punk, just for the heat that's involved and what's the stakes and how much it's been built. And I think that might be Madison Knight. feel

Deremy (01:41:52.28)
Okay, I like that. That's a good pick. I'm gonna go, just because you went there, I'm go little different just to kind of make it interesting. I'm gonna go Priest and

Tim (01:42:00.371)
Ooh, okay. Yeah, I like that. I think they could have a good solid match too. That'd be a phenomenal match. A physical match too. We know how Gupta rolls, you know.

Deremy (01:42:06.744)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm. One thing I can say, man, A, this is always a pleasure having you on and talking to you. And B, to wrap it all up though, I'm kind of, I don't know what it is. Maybe just being a wrestling fan, maybe just getting over this PTSD from the Vince McMahon era, you know, but I'm kind of always waiting for the shooter drop when things are going well or still something's building. But so far 2024, you

Triple H has been going well and all these pay -per -views slash PLEs, they've lived up to the hype and exceeding them. And I feel like SummerSlam, I'm pumped for it. I'm excited. a, it's on, I love to move to Saturday nights. Like I think it's just way better. Part of me is like, is the shoe going to drop at SummerSlam? Cause I see no boring matches there. I don't think it will, man. I think we're going to have a great Saturday night for SummerSlam.

Tim (01:43:07.24)
Yeah, I mean, like I said, every PLA since Triple H took over again, full time since what, end of January, everything has hit. Everything has hit so far. I know the format, how he books it, like, cause he's booking like a takeover, where he's giving matches more time to breathe, more time for them to tell these stories and stuff. I

Previously like I mentioned like some of the matches he only had like five matches summer slam this time is like so far seven They could add one more, know on smackdown or something this Friday or something, but But so far I mean, I'm not mad at it, know, I'm saying I like what he's doing I like the new the new things are doing with the production They're even givens like certain talent like time that you wouldn't normally see during the bench era like you see like Chad Gable

You know what saying? You see like, you know, our truth, even though he's been there, but our truth, he's had his moments too. The Judgment Day, they're still doing their thing. Yeah, man, mean, know, business is booming right now. It's not just WWE, like all across the board, like the whole industry, like it's just a boom and wrestling. You see TNA, like they've had like a recent resurgence lately. And now they have a partnership with WWE. Like you've seen like,

Deremy (01:44:28.59)

Tim (01:44:32.399)
They had like a little crossover recently, like Jordan Grace coming over and wrestling Roxanne at battleground. had Joe Hendry come over. He's like real right now. And from what I heard, like WWE, they're really interested in signing him, you know, once his contract with TNA is up. So I don't know how TNA feels about that, but I mean, I'm sure they could work something out, but you know, I mean, the partnership, the crossover is definitely good for business though. And it's something that Vince would never allow. He would never have no crossover, do no partnership.

know, changing talent. So I hope we get to see more of that. Maybe we might see AJ Styles make a return to TNA at some point. That would be huge for them. And I'm just really excited for the future and what it holds. yeah, mean, as long as Triple H keeps doing what he's doing, I know he's not perfect. And I know people have been saying

His booking a certain talent has been a little suss, certain people getting looked at. But I'm just like, not everybody's gonna get a chance to get on TV. It's just everybody goes through this cycle. You go up, you go down. Some people, get back up top. Some people, never do. But I'm just looking forward to a good show, and hopefully they just sustain the momentum, hitting into WrestleMania next year in Vegas.

Deremy (01:45:51.268)
Absolutely. Well said man. It's a way to end it and I appreciate you coming on the show man And I know we'll be texting that night and talking on the phone. So, you

Tim (01:46:01.484)
real quick. What do you think about John Cena retiring? I know we didn't get a chance to touch

Deremy (01:46:07.266)
Yeah, yeah, I think it's interesting and I think it's so well deserved for a guy who's in that conversation, if we're honest, as one of the GOATs and maybe had one of the hardest jobs being the GOAT, like for what he did coming after who he came after. It was so hard and I'm glad I feel like people are giving him his just due because he's super talented.

He's in the conversation for Mount Rushmore. And we've seen it when he's done in Hollywood, how just funny and naturally the charisma he has. I love seeing what he's doing in Hollywood. And I think I'm excited to see, I hope he gets that great farewell tour. I want to see pumping documentaries about him. I want to see podcasts like this one, me and you talking, but other wrestling podcasts given.

John Cena his due about where he ranks all time. I want him to really get his flowers because the man deserves it. So I'm excited for this retirement.

Tim (01:47:12.748)
Absolutely man, they said it's not just gonna be for like WrestleMania season. He's actually gonna have a whole run in a whole year the whole year so that'll be interesting I'm just like I know he's not gonna pop up on every show so I wonder how they gonna play something like is he gonna Like a couple dates here and then like disappear and then come back. I don't know how they're gonna do it, but it should be

Deremy (01:47:18.776)
A whole year.

Deremy (01:47:35.234)
It should be great. And I'm excited for him. I think, like I said, I, as you know, and I think you do as well, love history. I would love to see people really sit down and have these real conversations with themselves and in public forums about where John Cena ranks. I think a lot of people will want to be like, what? You can't put him top five or Mount Rushmore. If you're really honest, you have to consider

He's in that conversation for not the greatest worker, I'm going to say, but just biggest star, greatest superstar. Yeah, he's in the conversation with Hogan, with Andre, with a taker, with Rock, with Austin. He's in that conversation. You got to give him

Tim (01:48:19.834)
And you mentioned like he had, you know, the un -inevitable task of coming after, following the rock, you know, coming after Stone Cold, you know, coming after that attitude error and leading the root to this aggression error, you know, leading that charge. But also at a low period, you know, after the Benoit tragedy and everything and having to deal with that and then having to deal with the fans like turn on, because at one point he was hot. And then like when he switched up his gimmick from the Dr. Thuganomics to being this more like super Cena, you know,

Super baby face like Hulk Hogan like characters like people started tearing on them You know you start getting the F you seen a chance and all that stuff and seen the sucks like I remember watching those pay -per -views live like I remember watching WrestleMania 22 and the Chicago crowd just cussing them out like chant all types of obscenities at them and then and then ECW one night stand I'm sure you remember that like that hostile crowd how wild that was I'm just like yo I'm just like nobody else could like really handle

he had to handle like, but he handled like a champ, like a

Deremy (01:49:20.31)
And to your point, like coming in after what happened with tragically with the Benoit situation and how that big change to just super PG. Let's call it, I only want to call it PG. That was like G at times. And so like the handcuffs, but guess what? It's what I say about people. Despite all that, he always brought me to the screen. When he had a promo, I was going to watch him.

Tim (01:49:35.889)

Deremy (01:49:47.874)
He was good. He was great at it. Like, and that's the thing. And I'm not trying to say Cody has to be Senna because that's big shoes to fill, but that's what I want from these champions. You know what? I got to watch you speak and just you, you can stand out. You elevate those around you. Senna elevated and Edge was a great already, but Senna and Edge, that was great. Senna helped to elevate Punk. Senna helped to elevate Batista, Brock, Randy Orton.

That's what the great ones do, man. So I'm holding them to that standard. Like you gotta do

Tim (01:50:19.825)
Yeah. So, that's what I see with Cody too. Like I feel like he can do that too. You know what I'm saying? Regardless of if you feel like he's at that level already, but I feel like he can do that. Like he can just from his promos and how he's telling the story and like you really got to pay attention to how certain people like when they're talking to people like, yeah, like I got beef with you, but I also respect your, your accomplishments. You really got to pay attention to those little details and stuff. You know, like, yeah, you a former, now you

Deremy (01:50:48.098)
I like, all right, you pulled a dare me on dare me here. I like how you bring up Cena, but you use it to bring your point for Cody. I respect your game, Tim. I respect your game. I see

Tim (01:50:57.181)
Yeah, because even beyond, like, you know, like if somebody was talking like, like, if Kurt Angle, like when he was beefing with Shawn Michaels or something like that, and, know, Shawn Michaels, he would say like, yeah, you're a former Olympic gold medalist, this and that, but I'm going to kick your teeth down your throat, you know, and Kurt Angle would say like, yeah, yeah, yeah, you won, you beat Bret Hart at WrestleMania, you're a Grand Slam winner, but I'm going to make you tap out, you know what saying? It's like, it's like a give and take, like, yeah, I'm giving you your props, but

I hate your guts at the same time, you know what saying? Like you're still putting that person over, even though you're supposed to be beefing with this person. So I feel like Cody can do the same thing, both in promo and in actual match. I feel like he's capable of doing that. Like I know it's like hit or miss sometimes, like it didn't go over so well with an AEW Anthony or GoGo with that situation. But in other cases, he has, it has worked like with MJF, you know, in other cases.

Deremy (01:51:55.408)
We'll see. I know we gave the listeners a lot to chew on but there there's so much going on so you know Tim is always a pleasure man. And when just to end it, where can people find you? You know what what you got going

Tim (01:52:11.501)
absolutely, you know what saying, some of y 'all might not know I'm an artist, I'm a rapper, so you can find me on IG at Tim Lewis Music Official on Instagram. I just dropped a project just not too long ago called The Illest Summer Ever, Volume 3. You can find that on YouTube, streaming. I got the whole project, 10 tracks, you know what I'm So make sure I go check that out, man. And make sure y follow me. I got some new stuff coming out, new EP on the way. We got new visuals, all of that, man.

And I appreciate you for having me, Dereme, once again. I'm sure I'll be back on the show at some point. Absolutely.

Deremy (01:52:44.732)
you definitely will, Definitely will, man. And it's always great to talk with you and have you on. So for my man, Tim Lewis, I'm Dereme Dove. Thank you guys for listening to Bigger Than a Game with Dereme and Jose. Take care.